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Running your own SMSF fund can give you greater flexibility and control over your retirement savings. However, taking care of all the essential administration tasks and maintaining compliance can be time-consuming and complex.

At WE Love SMSF  we make easy and affordable for you to run the day to day operation of your fund, so that you can focus on things you love. If you need advice you can speak to our tech team to help you make smart decisions.

We offer a full service




SMSF Establishment

We take care of all the documentation required to establish a complying SMSF, making the complicated seem simple.

Corporate Trustee Services

Where an SMSF has a corporate trustee structure, there is routine compliance work that needs to be undertaken on behalf of the company that acts as the trustee for the fund.

SMSF Transfer

With Wealth Effect’s SMSF service offer, you will benefit from our competitive fee structure, your own SMSF Administration Manager, quality support from our Technical Services team and annual tax returns completed in house.  



We take care of all the funds administration

All SMSFs are different and administration requirements vary for each SMSF. The Wealth Effect group offers a comprehensive range of administration packages that provide individuals and trustees the flexibility to select a service that best fits their particular circumstances.



Your investment strategy reviewed regularly

Reviewing your past 12-month strategy and, accordingly, then planning for the next year are critical to the way we work.

SMSF Borrowing

The rules for borrowing to buy property in your SMSF are complex. Whilst there are many potential benefits of acquiring a property through your superannuation fund, there are key considerations required to ensure that your SMSF remains compliant.


Sidney Cityscape  |  Level 3/209 Robina Town Centre Dr, Robina Queensland 4226 |   2/117 Hyde street Seddon VIC 3011


WE Super part of The Wealth Effect Group



 Wealth Effect Group (CAR 424768) are authorized representatives of Boston Reed AFSL 225738 ABN 89 091 004 885”

As part of our continuing commitment to client service, the maintenance of client confidentiality and as required by law, Boston Reed Limited complies with the Privacy Act 1988.

1300 459 101


Wealth Effect Pty Ltd ATF Wealth Effect Unit Trust. ABN: 78 766 858 328  trading as WE Mortgage Solutions as an Authorised Credit Representative of BLSSA Pty Ltd Australian Credit Licence Number 391237,  Authorised Credit Representative :480612.

Privacy Statement

Any advice in this website is of a general nature only and all case studies are for illustrative purposes only. Please seek advice tailored to your own personal circumstances before acting on this information.

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