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House with a Pool


Use your super to purchase residential

or commercial property.

SMSF Loans.

An SMSF loan can be a great way to diversify your investment portfolio and take your financial future into your own hands. It’s a complex set up, so we recommend getting financial planning, accounting and legal advice from our strategic partners at the financial collective before getting started.


You could borrow up to 50% for rural properties, 70% on commercial properties 80% on residential properties. 


If you want to get started with an SMSF loan book an appointment to see if this strategy is right for you. 


We've created a 3 Part Series to help navigate this complex transaction. Read More>>>



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We are an SMSF loan expert helping you from setup to settlement and can provide guidance on the ATO rules and regulations around your property purchase.


We believe in offering exactly what it says on the tin. That’s why there are no hidden costs or charges with any of our loans.


By having your SMSF and loan all in the same place, there’s less paperwork, less hassle and a smooth process for you to purchase the investment property you want.

Loans For Residential Properties and Superannuation Laws. Loans to SMSFs must comply with superannuation laws. Our key observations are as follows.
  • Expect an LVR of no more than 80%
  • Your interest rate will start at 7.24% p.a., as it’s an investment loan
  • Typically, the maximum loan size will be $1 million, but lenders will consider exceptions
  • Do not put a deposit on a property in your name, and expect it can be transferred across to the SMSF.
  • There will likely be some restrictions on some properties – which is common to all property lending. For example, the apartment can be too small, the property can’t be located somewhere that no one can find it.
  • Try to find a property you can rent. A lot of properties will need both income streams (your super and the rent) to service the loan.
  • If you have a loan over the property, the law restricts what you can do with the property. You cannot modestly improve it, conduct a business out of it or rent it to your mother-in-law for subsidized rent. Everything must be “arms-length”!

Why borrow for your SMSF?

Since 2007 superannuation laws have allowed an SMSF to borrow money in order to purchase an investment asset, as long as a strict set of rules are followed. Under the superannuation borrowing rules, an SMSF can borrow money to buy any type of asset permitted by the superannuation law such as property.


Like a traditional investment property, the SMSF can borrow some of the funds needed to purchase a property. This allows borrowers to use their superannuation in a much more efficient manner than purchasing the property outright.


Lenders will loan a maximum of 80% of the value of the property. By borrowing, an SMSF fund increases its ability to buy property which in turn can provide higher levels of overall growth and income.


All payments to the property (including Loan repayments, water rates, management fees and council rates) must be paid from the SMSF and hence can be offset against rental income from the property.


For more detailed information click here>>>

Luxurious Home

Are there any restrictions when borrowing through an SMSF?


  • Your loan balance is the maximum you can borrow against the property. Let’s say you borrowed $250,000 to buy a $350,000 property 5 years ago. You’ve lucked out, and the property is now worth $500,000, and the debt on it is now $200,000. The law will only allow a lender who is re-financing, to give you $200,000.

  • Redraw is not permitted under the law. Any additional repayments will reduce the debt. If you have an extraordinary circumstance, like a large strata payment, some lenders may advance you the funds.

  • The loan and the property will be legally held in a separate trust from your other SMSF assets. Squirrel will set this up for you, quickly and easily (and at no additional cost!) – show us a pre-approval from the lender and we’ll take care of the rest!

  • The loan will be limited recourse to the property it is secured against – however you, and each of the other members of your SMSF, will be required to sign personal guarantees to cover the lender against losses.

  • What this means is – all SMSF members are responsible for there being enough money in the SMSF bank account. If your tenant leaves, if your boss doesn’t pay your super on time, you may need to deposit money from your own savings into the account to cover any potential shortfall.

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